M. Photog. Cr., CPP


Charleen's Bio
Charleen is a portrait photographer based in the Quiet Corner of CT. She is in her 38th year as a full time Professional Photographer and her 24th year of running her own business, with a small creative team. Charleen enjoys capturing special moments for Families, Children, High School Seniors, Leagues, and Contract Schools. She believes her clients deserve a great, fun, and interactive experience while getting to know them on a personal level so she can customize the session and contracts to meet their needs. Charleen is continually attending seminars, classes and staying up to date with the latest techniques and styles the photographic industry has to offer. Along her journey and desire to provide her customers with the absolute best quality of services possible Charleen has earned her Certification, Craftsman and Master Degree. Charleen’s love for photography and the industry has sparked her passion to help aspiring and professionals to grow. She enjoys teaching fun tips and tricks to help them and their business stay healthy through the process of play and visualizing techniques. Her desire to help the photography industry is why her fellow photographers have nominated and voted for her to serve as the state of CT Councilor for the Professional Photographers of America. Charleen is a wife of 24 years and a mom to a 16yr old. In her free time, Charleen enjoys cycling, hiking, traveling, reading, and camping with her family.

Helping Photographers, Entrepreneurs and High School students improve, recognize their business skills and build their unstoppable mind set.

M. Photog. Cr., CPP

Charleen is a platform speaker who brings a fun and educational learning experience to audiences both young and old. By growing your business and your mindset through practical advice, storytelling and motivational techniques

Charleen is available to speak at a variety of events, both locally and nationally. Though she specializes in photography, her techniques can be shared across a wide range of audiences.

PROGRAMS RAINGE FROM 45MIN – 2.5 HOURS  and Full Day Programs

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All images ©2025 Charleen's Portrait Studio | View Copyright Notice | All rights reserved.